Goal and Stakeholder Analysis
Create a video tutorial for teachers around the country who want to implement the We Share Solar Program in their class room. We Share Solar sends 12 suitcases to a classroom. 10 stay in the classroom for educational purposes and 2 get deployed to help those in need of electricity. 1 gets deployed locally in places such as Native American Reservations and the other gets deployed in Sub-Saharan Africa to schools and orphanages. The video will be used as a visual aid that goes along with a physical manual to be sent to teachers across the US when teachers start the We Share Solar Curriculum. This makes it more accessible because previously, Hal would hold workshops and only those in nearby areas could attend.
The table below is a Stakeholder's Analysis. It outlines the people involved in making this project happen and how much or how little they contribute to the success of the project. It does this by stating for each person:
Their interest in the project and how that contributes to how much investment they have on the succcess of the project.
The effect of this project on the interests they have invested into it.
The importance they have to the success of the project.
The influence that this person holds in decisions made within the project.