Kalie Oku: I am a third year Child Development Major with a Psychology Minor at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. I currently work as a Student Assistant Teacher at the Preschool Learning Lab on campus, and I love it! My passion for development is mainly rooted in child and family wellbeing–– I'm glad my group and I are making a difference in maternal and newborn health through the Solar Suitcase Project! Outside of my academic identity, I am an avid hiker, sound designer and songwriter, cook, and runner.
Will Fallat: I’m a third year Communications major at Cal Poly. Cal poly is the 10th school I have attended since kindergarten, and I think 10 would be a good number to finish on. I’m originally from Australia, but when I moved to Lake Tahoe, CA, I fell in the love with the sport of rock climbing. Since then, it has become my main passion in life. I currently work at the climbing gym in town and after college I am hoping to work for a non-profit company that focuses on lessening climbers’ impact on the environment as well as protecting the environment as a whole.
Madison Weatherford: I am a third year Economics Major at Cal Poly concentrating in Finance, Information Systems, and minoring in Sustainable Environments. I am currently the President of Net Impact, a club on campus that works to bridge the gap between sustainability and business. My largest interests lie within eco labeling/certifications such as Fair Trade and Certified B Corps, however, I have some experience with solar power as well. My sophomore year in high school my Chemistry class taught me the science behind the panels leading up to an installation of a full sized array. Additionally, I took Pete's PSC 320, Energy, Society, and the Environment class in Winter 2018. In my free time, I like to hang out with friends, cook good food, and explore SLO.
Nicholas Latz: I am a third year Business Major concentrating in Accounting and Information Systems at Cal Poly. Right now, I am the treasurer of the Cal Poly Future Fuels Club, a hands-on club focused on promoting sustainable and renewable options for everyday drivers. I work in sourcing funding for the projects and completing engine conversions to run on sustainable options. In my free time, I like to go backpacking as deep into the wilderness as I can get. My interest in development mostly revolves around providing sustainable and reliable options for energy for all.