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Our Project

The Plan:

Drive to Berkeley

Meet with Hal

Film Video Tutorial(s)

Edit Video Tutorial(s)

Co-ordinate with Hal for implementation of videos

Show people the Suitcase and see if the video’s help them understand it better



After discussing as a group, we decided we are interested in going to Berkley to film content to edit video tutorials. We believe we can commit to editing one video that is less than 10 min in length.  Since we will be going up to Berkeley to film, we can film content for more videos, but editing is a lengthy process we do not want to over commit on. 



Initially we wanted to propose a way to make the solar suitcase cheaper as well as educate people on the Solar Suitcase and the conditions of the countries and areas where the suitcase is used. However, we struggled with this idea, feeling it would be too close to last year’s solar suitcase group and not allow us to make much of an impact. So Pete put us in contact with Hal Aronson and Hal told us what we could do that would be MOST helpful for We Share Solar to continue with their mission.

We took to heart what Hal said about completion over magnitude, tangible results would be better than an idea.



We are going up to Berkeley on 11/11 to meet with Hal and film some video tutorials and edit at least one video and possibly more depending on the video we capture, and how involved the editing process is.


Current videos:

            Switch Box Assembly

            Assembling the We Share Solar 501 Suitcase

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